
March 2

I filled out this little garden fairy. Put some meat on her bones...She may become a study for something larger.


March 1st

The smell of Spring is in the air, and with it comes the arrival of fiesty garden fairies and sprites.

Pencil Sketch:


Feb 28th

Tonight I added color to the Ruffle Cat. The background is a metallic Bronze.
I will continue working it, since this still feel preliminary.

Next week, I will venture back into my Art O Mat series.


February 27th

In honor of Tonks and other fluffy Rag dolls with their ruffly collars.

Pencil Sketchin'


February 26th

Todays post is an ACEO: Art Cards Editions and Originals.

The size of an ACEO is two and a half inches by three and a half inches.
ACEO's are tiny works of art, that can be collected like old fashioned Baseball Cards.
It is a way to sample and own a variety of Artists work, and collect a variety of styles.
I keep my ACEO's in notebooks, using collector card *base ball card* archival sleeves.

I'll show you next time. I have some amazing artists work!

Here is an Acrylic Painting on Watercolor paper, ACEO size.

Remember, last time I had posted the pencil sketch?

Not quite done yet....
May layer some tinted varnish over... or?